Resistance training is the most common way to improve our strength, however, there are so many different benefits for you. We all know that being healthy is the most important thing in this world and we have to be healthy.
Doing exercise is the common way to be healthy and many of you might think that cardio is the best exercise.
Resistance training(strength training) is only for younger people or for those who want to build their muslces.
I believe that this is a pretty common thought besides, you have a high risk of injuries to do strength training especially for older people. There are some trainers that don’t get their clients to do weights training too. However, you will change your mind and start your strength training after reading this!!
Here is the benefits of strength training
- Lower Mortality
- Physical functioning improvements
- Lower erisk of Incident cardiovascular disease
- Cognitive function
Doing resistance training is associated with 21% lower risk of all-cause mortality and a borderline compared with no RT. there is no significant difference between 2 or more a week and less than 2 a week. That is, as long as you do strength training weekly, you have lower mortality.
It may be because you have less stress, you have less fall risk, and/or other factors if you do resistance training.

Physical functioning

Obviously, you will get stronger if you do resistance training. specifically, for example, a study found that eccentric exercise (vs. concentric and isometric) have better muscle strength improvements for 14-50y/o.
Cardio is a good exercise for your health but it doesn’t make you stronger. the common misunderstanding is that running makes your legs stronger but it doesn’t, resistance training does!!. Cardio does improve your cardiovascular fitness but not muscular strength. As we getting older, we are losing muscles day by day and getting weaker. so it is important to keep or improve our muscle strength for our healthy lives.
Incident cardiovascular disease
Men who do resistance training for 30 min or more have significantly reduced incident fatal coronary heart disease and nonfatal myocardial infarction by 23% compared with men who do not train with weights.
Medium-term (7–23 weeks) and long-term (≥24 weeks) training reduce blood pressure more compared with habitual or no RT besides, the effect is significantly greater in adults aged ≥41 years.
Moderate-intensity (i.e., 65% – 70% 1RM) training has reductions in BP compared with the no weights training people.
Isometric RT reduces BP and mean arterial pressure (MAP) compared with no RT. The effect of isometric training is greater in those who were ≥45 years of age versus less than 45 years of age.
It is well known that cardio reduces BP and now we know that resistance training does too!!

Cognitive function
After moderate (55%–65% 1RM) and high (75%–85% 1RM) intensities of 3 times per week resistance training improve cognitive function more than after performing the same exercises but without overload and only once per week.
Cognitive function is super important!!
Our brain functions such as cognitive functions decrease with aging and might end up with Alzheimer’s. Resistance training can prevent brain dysfunction!!
That is, resistance training is important for all of us intruding older people!!
Strength training has more benefits such as fewer joints pain, bone density, mental health, etc…..
I see many people go to the gym but use only a walking machine you might be afraid to use machine or weights. Don’t worry, it is safer than you think and it is fun!! Every machine has instructions on them and is pretty easy to use. If you still have a fear, get personal training sessions!
Here is why you need a PT!!
Do resistance training and get a healthy life!!